纯露工坊 桃园市
每一滴花水都包含了整株植物的精华, 这精油分子统统都溶解在水里. 含丰富的天然维他命和矿物质, 抗氧化物质, 和超氧阴离子清除活性, 是非常超卓的深层补湿液. 花水很温和, 但功能非常有疗效, 能使肌肤湿润柔和, 细致及减少干纹. 令肌肤解渴及再生.纯露也被称为花水、植物水. 它们都不含添加物, 这是品质最纯的定义. 真正的纯露是直接从天然植物经蒸馏萃取, 是百分百的天然液. 每一滴天然纯露都包含了整株植物, 这含有水溶性成份、精油分子和植物采收时体内流动的汁液. 这些统统都溶解在水里, 让这 ”水 ” 不只是水. 它含有高溶解量的精华, 将芳香疗法中所有的芳香物质带进治疗的程序里. 纯露拥有香味、味道、各种天然化学分子以及疗效的液体. 它就像精油一样含有植物的生命力. 其水溶性的特质使得纯露在使用和吸收上更方便, 像平常使用的维他命、矿物质和香草一样. 纯露与精油之间的协同作用非常良好, 适合共同使用在芳香疗法的各方面使用.  纯露很温和, 却十分有效. 可以不经稀释就进行大部分的外用. 你可以像用水一般的使用纯露, 但事实上, 它们和水之间有著许多不同之处. 纯露确实包含一些精油特性, 所以不论您选择哪一种纯露, 它都具有部分精油的自然成份, 而您亦可得到像使用该种精油所能得到的益处. 未稀释的纯露可以喷洒在身上或面上, 能快速地恢复精神、刺激循环或冷却体温等. 最适合用来处理皮肤病患, 对皮肤炎、湿疹、减少日晒伤害、一般切割伤和创伤等症状都有良好反应. 有些纯露还有抗病毒和消炎及帮助身体排毒的功能.   对於经常严重大量失水的皮肤来说, 每天早晚在脸上及脖子上喷上天然纯露, 用这水来润泽你的的肌肤, 并且让它自然风干, 是一项最棒的美容治疗法. 真正的纯露对皮肤护理有非常好的效果, 持续使用后, 皮肤会显得比较柔软、湿润、有弹性, 皱纹也会比之前减少. 纯露加入任何一种美发产品中能产生绝佳的功效.说到纯露,首先要对它进行一下介绍。纯露是在提练精油过程中分离出来的一种100%饱和天然纯净成分,香味清淡怡人。它与植物精油本身有著相近似的作用和功效,而使用起来更加方便。纯露中含有微量的「酸「与「脂」类物质,对身体调理很有帮助,并且拥有100%植物水溶性物质的纯露,其中所含的矿物养分,是精油所缺乏的。所以纯露同精油有相同地方也有不同的地方,各有所长。取部分纯露放在容器中,放入压缩纸膜,纸膜会吸水膨胀开。展开面膜,轻轻地敷在面部。期间可以用喷瓶往脸上加喷纯露,保持纸膜的湿润。待10分钟左右后取下。不同的纯露有它独特的效果,如玫瑰纯露主要作用是补水美白润肤;洋甘菊纯露主要是脱敏消炎;薰衣草纯露主要是平衡油脂,抗菌消炎;茶树纯露主要是调节、净化、抗炎、收敛,使油性皮肤减少分泌,使暗疮伤口加快愈合。橙花纯露促进细胞再生和振奋皮肤,抗老化等等。不一一列举了。What is a Hydrosols?Hydrosols are the aromatic waters that occur as a co-product of Essential Oil distillation. There are a number of other (and some less than accurate) names for these: hydrolats, floral waters (although they are obtained from more than just flowers), herbal waters, etc. Also, authentic hydrosols are not to be confused with products made by combining Essential Oils or Absolutes with plain/distilled water. There are as many hydrosols as there are Essential Oils, and as awareness of their potential increases, we see many more diverse hydrosols become available due to the demand for them.In the distillation process, plant material is either subjected to steam or is immersed in boiling water, or both. In any of these cases, the heat causes the cells of the plant material that hold the Essential Oil to soften and release their contents. This oil is volatile and rises as a vapor with the steam into cooling tubes, from which two products result - the Essential Oil, and the steam that cools (condenses) into water. The condensed cellular water of the plant - known as the hydrosol - contains many components and includes the water-soluble (hydrophilic) micro-molecules of some of the components found in the Essential Oil of the plant. According to Kurt Schnaubelt in his book Medical Aromatherapy - Healing with Essential Oils, aromatic hydrosols provide an elegant alternative and are "eminently useful for aromatherapy treatments, especially for children, when the use of the Essential Oil might be too strong." Also, many constituents in hydrosols are different from those found in the Essential Oil from the same plant material. As such, while hydrosols may have actions similar to their Essential Oil counterparts, they may have other attributes their Essential Oil counterparts would not.Suzanne Catty, author of Hydrosols - the Next Aromatherapy, states: "…hydrosols can be seen as micro-doses of [essential] oil" and, when further diluted in water, become akin to homeopathic in their action. This is one of the reasons why the gentleness of hydrosols is ideally suited in the delivery of their attributes for children, the elderly, and those with pronounced sensitivities. They are also a profound and delightful way to experience and appreciate the life force - with all its potentiality for wholeness - found in the aromatic waters of the plants. https://www.floral-care.com/hot_89179.html 甚么是纯露 2023-08-06 2024-08-06
纯露工坊 桃园市 https://www.floral-care.com/hot_89179.html
纯露工坊 桃园市 https://www.floral-care.com/hot_89179.html
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每一滴花水都包含了整株植物的精华, 这精油分子统统都溶解在水里. 含丰富的天然维他命和矿物质, 抗氧化物质, 和超氧阴离子清除活性, 是非常超卓的深层补湿液. 花水很温和, 但功能非常有疗效, 能使肌肤湿润柔和, 细致及减少干纹. 令肌肤解渴及再生.

纯露也被称为花水、植物水. 它们都不含添加物, 这是品质最纯的定义. 真正的纯露是直接从天然植物经蒸馏萃取, 是百分百的天然液. 每一滴天然纯露都包含了整株植物, 这含有水溶性成份、精油分子和植物采收时体内流动的汁液. 这些统统都溶解在水里, 让这 ”水 ” 不只是水. 它含有高溶解量的精华, 将芳香疗法中所有的芳香物质带进治疗的程序里. 纯露拥有香味、味道、各种天然化学分子以及疗效的液体. 它就像精油一样含有植物的生命力. 其水溶性的特质使得纯露在使用和吸收上更方便, 像平常使用的维他命、矿物质和香草一样. 纯露与精油之间的协同作用非常良好, 适合共同使用在芳香疗法的各方面使用.



纯露很温和, 却十分有效. 可以不经稀释就进行大部分的外用. 你可以像用水一般的使用纯露, 但事实上, 它们和水之间有著许多不同之处. 纯露确实包含一些精油特性, 所以不论您选择哪一种纯露, 它都具有部分精油的自然成份, 而您亦可得到像使用该种精油所能得到的益处. 未稀释的纯露可以喷洒在身上或面上, 能快速地恢复精神、刺激循环或冷却体温等. 最适合用来处理皮肤病患, 对皮肤炎、湿疹、减少日晒伤害、一般切割伤和创伤等症状都有良好反应. 有些纯露还有抗病毒和消炎及帮助身体排毒的功能.




对於经常严重大量失水的皮肤来说, 每天早晚在脸上及脖子上喷上天然纯露, 用这水来润泽你的的肌肤, 并且让它自然风干, 是一项最棒的美容治疗法. 真正的纯露对皮肤护理有非常好的效果, 持续使用后, 皮肤会显得比较柔软、湿润、有弹性, 皱纹也会比之前减少. 纯露加入任何一种美发产品中能产生绝佳的功效.



What is a Hydrosols?

Hydrosols are the aromatic waters that occur as a co-product of Essential Oil distillation. There are a number of other (and some less than accurate) names for these: hydrolats, floral waters (although they are obtained from more than just flowers), herbal waters, etc. Also, authentic hydrosols are not to be confused with products made by combining Essential Oils or Absolutes with plain/distilled water. There are as many hydrosols as there are Essential Oils, and as awareness of their potential increases, we see many more diverse hydrosols become available due to the demand for them.

In the distillation process, plant material is either subjected to steam or is immersed in boiling water, or both. In any of these cases, the heat causes the cells of the plant material that hold the Essential Oil to soften and release their contents. This oil is volatile and rises as a vapor with the steam into cooling tubes, from which two products result - the Essential Oil, and the steam that cools (condenses) into water. The condensed cellular water of the plant - known as the hydrosol - contains many components and includes the water-soluble (hydrophilic) micro-molecules of some of the components found in the Essential Oil of the plant. According to Kurt Schnaubelt in his book Medical Aromatherapy - Healing with Essential Oils, aromatic hydrosols provide an elegant alternative and are "eminently useful for aromatherapy treatments, especially for children, when the use of the Essential Oil might be too strong." Also, many constituents in hydrosols are different from those found in the Essential Oil from the same plant material. As such, while hydrosols may have actions similar to their Essential Oil counterparts, they may have other attributes their Essential Oil counterparts would not.

Suzanne Catty, author of Hydrosols - the Next Aromatherapy, states: "…hydrosols can be seen as micro-doses of [essential] oil" and, when further diluted in water, become akin to homeopathic in their action. This is one of the reasons why the gentleness of hydrosols is ideally suited in the delivery of their attributes for children, the elderly, and those with pronounced sensitivities. They are also a profound and delightful way to experience and appreciate the life force - with all its potentiality for wholeness - found in the aromatic waters of the plants.